Hindus are angry Ad features their god Ganesha eating lamb-telugucircle - TeluguCircle-Trending News


12 September 2017

Hindus are angry Ad features their god Ganesha eating lamb-telugucircle

        Lord Ganesha a famous and devotional god in India and known by every Hindu.. this religious god gotten famous in news by an australian meat company . how it was is the meat company used lord ganesha in their meat promotional ads and showed as Ganesh was looking to eat lamb.one of the food company called MEAT AND LIVESTOCK AUSTRALIA showed lord Ganesha in their food ad as ganesha looking to eat their lamb which was released on sept 4 in the ad name of we love our lamb.    

                  In this ad ganesha , jesus, buddha , thor and edh were sat around table and eagerly looking for lamb. And all they were talking about lamb and saying a caption like the meat we can all eat.and this ends  with this caption. by showing all the gods in meat as this ad goes as hurting and offensive to the religious sentiments in india .the indian high commission in Canberra and indian communities in Australia has been  started protesting on this issue .for this actions , the manager of this MLA company replied as this ad showing the unity between all  of them and all were on unity at their lamb. but this ad got offensive by religious people in Australia.


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