Is this will be happened for real 2050?? -- AGRICULTURE & FARMING-TeluguCircle - TeluguCircle-Trending News


06 November 2017

Is this will be happened for real 2050?? -- AGRICULTURE & FARMING-TeluguCircle

              Is this will be happened in 2050?? if we see  this video , it seems funny but  it looks like  it will be the future.this video shot on importance of farming and agriculture.interviews done by farmers and they are appointing employees for their crop farming.


       This is the some serious issue which regards of farming and how future generations will suffer from lack of farmers and agriculture fields.this short video represents the future farming and protect of farmers and agriculture.lot of crop fields are have been reducing and farmers are also reducing by generations will have to protect our agriculture and farming which we couldn't facing the problems form lack of this video we will know food and next generations situation of we don't care about farming and farmers.


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