Nagabharanam Review and is visual wondering graphical things-ramya, - TeluguCircle-Trending News


14 October 2016

Nagabharanam Review and is visual wondering graphical things-ramya,

Nagabharanam review rating:Nagabharanam film is upcoming epic fantasy movie.This movie release at a time in three languages like Telugu,Kannada and Tamil.Nagabharanam movie actually made in Kannada language.Then dubbed into Tamil and Telugu versions.Nagarahavu is the title for the movie firstly release Karnataka State in Kannada language.Story wrtten by MS.Ramesh and K.Ramakrishna and directed by Telugu industry wonder director of Kodi Rama krishna.

Nagabharanam movie story based on king Cobra.Nagabharanam movie story kept unknown but  this movie director used high VFX Graphics in order to make everything  visual realistic  to all type of audience.Nagabharanam movie even the shooting   in various different locations.As of present movie has positively response in all type of audience,some people are interested to waiting for watch this movie on sliver screen.This movie highlight of Leged actor dr.Vishuvardhan.Actually he was died in 2009 december.But he has recreated on the movie by VFX graphics.This wonder created by Kodi Ramakrishna fame of Arundhathi movie.

Nagabharanam Story :

Nagabharanam movie beginning revealing that on a solar eclipse situation, the overall power of the God do not work.A sakti kavacham is the only power that save the world on that time.Sivayya(Dialogue king Saikumar)'s family handle of this Sakti Kavacham  from many century's , but his his daughter Naggamma(Ramya) leave it in a war with few evil powers.

Nagamma takes again born as Manasa(Ramya) and tries  to get back the sakti kavacham in its location,will Nagamma able to do it  winning? and what is face problems does the rest of movie concept.

Starring : 

Legend actor Vishnuvardhan(Visual Created in VFX)
Dialogue king Saikumar.

 Music Composed by : Guru Kiran

Producers  :Sohali Ansari,Sajid Qurashi,Dhaval Gada

 Positive Points :

Kodi Ramakrishna Making
Ramya performance
vsual create experiment with legend actor Vishuvardhan.

Negitive Points :

 Easily catch the twists

Nagabharanam Rating : 3/5

Watch below Nagabharanam Trailer :

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