Watch "Nagabharanam" trailer,this movie recently launch trailer."Nagabharanam " movie main role of Senior actor Dr.Legend Vishnuvardhan,he was died five years back,at the time of 30 December 2009 for some health problems .But,CGI used to create graphically based on that hero and movie another special for India's films first used for CGI graphics.This wonder created by director kodi Ramakrishna.he has fame of Anushkha Setty "Arundhathi" movie.
This movie for graphic VFX work done by Mukuta who did Rajamouli's block buster film's are Eega and Bahuballi.Thi movie produced by Sohali Ansari and Dhaval Jayantilal Gada.Music composed by Guru Kiran.This movie starring Legend actor Dr.Vishnuvardhan (VFX),Ramya,Diganath,Rajesh Vivek Upadhayay,Mukul dev and others.
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